12 nov 2024, 11:09

The Human Eye 

  Poesía » Otra
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Long ago there was a powerful king,
He was generous, just and defined.
But there was on the Earth a thing
That was from him declined:

Although he loved his wife a lot,
He waited long to have an heir.
He promised to the gracious God
With heart faithful and fair,

That if he had a healthy son,
He'd give his people too much gold.
His promice was all set and done
And he fullfilled what he had told.

He placed a scale in the city square
With label clear and swift
He would be to all people fair
And everyone should make a gift

And he'would take so much gold,
as the present's weight.
All people brought all they could hold
And got it on the plate.

But suddenly a ragged woman came,
Who dropped a little bone.
The king didnot express a blame
He put it on the plate alone.

And on the other side he put
A little gold to weigh the bone,
But the scale just stood
As if it was a heavy stone.

To his surprise he added more -
But everytime he failed:
He put all gold just to restore
the balance of the scale.

"What magic hides in this small stuff?"
- Asked finally the king.-
"All my treasure's not enough
To move this little thing?"

The ragged woman just replied
with wisdom in her word:
"It is a bone from human eye
It is insatiable, my lord.

A handfull soil is all you need
To equalize your scale,
Its magic dies like human greed
With one's last exhale."

And she threw a handfull soil
On the bone of human eyes
To end the mighty king's turmoil
With her wise advice.


© Таня Гулериа Todos los derechos reservados

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