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4 el resultado
"My heart will go on" "Моето сърце ще продължи да тупти"
Every night in my dreams Всяка нощ в моите сънища
I see you.I feel you. Аз те виждам.Аз те усещам.
That is how I know you go on. Ето,как аз зная, че ти ще продължиш да се движиш напред
Far across the distance Далеч през пространството ...
  13340  10 
Sunrise Avenue - Fairytale Gone Bad
This is the end you know
Lady, the plans we had went all wrong
We ain't nothing but fight and shout and tears
We got to a point I can't stand ...
Hadise-Dum Tek Tek
Baby you’re perfect for me
You are my gift from heaven
This is the greatest story of all times
We met in like in a movie ...
Lifetime Loving You
Moon so bright, night so fine
Keep your heart here with mine
Life's a dream we a dreaming
Race the moon, catch the wind ...
: ??:??