So many times... so many times... So many times...
You go out every night tryin' to find a perfect love you've lost the faith in yourself you've found another loneliness
The world is full of magic, can't you see I'm your guardian angel, trust in me So many times I've been watching you and now I fell in love with you!
So many times I'm watching you and now I fell in love with you So many times... so many times...
So many times I'm watching you and now I fell in love with you So many times... so many times... And I fell in love with you
So many times, I'm watchin' you And I fell in love with you (x4)
Do your heart, feel so lonely think about your sweetest dream close your eyes, and follow me and I'll take you to my destiny
I'm thinking about you, all the time when I keep my love to you, that's the crime so many times I've been watching you and now I fell in love with you!
So many times I'm watching you and now I fell in love with you So many times... so many times... (x7)
So many times, I'm watchin' you And I fell in love with you (x12)
So many times... so many times... So many times...
You go out every night tryin' to find a perfect love you've lost the faith in yourself you've found another loneliness
The world is full of magic, can't you see I'm your guardian angel, trust in me So many times I've been watching you and now I fell in love with you!
So many times I'm watching you and now I fell in love with you So many times... so many times...
So many times I'm watching you and now I fell in love with you So many times... so many times... And I fell in love with you
So many times, I'm watchin' you And I fell in love with you (x4)
Do your heart, feel so lonely think about your sweetest dream close your eyes, and follow me and I'll take you to my destiny
I'm thinking about you, all the time when I keep my love to you, that's the crime so many times I've been watching you and now I fell in love with you!
So many times I'm watching you and now I fell in love with you So many times... so many times... (x7)
So many times, I'm watchin' you And I fell in love with you (x12)
So many times... so many times... So many times...
You go out every night tryin' to find a perfect love you've lost the faith in yourself you've found another loneliness
The world is full of magic, can't you see I'm your guardian angel, trust in me So many times I've been watching you and now I fell in love with you!
So many times I'm watching you and now I fell in love with you So many times... so many times...
So many times I'm watching you and now I fell in love with you So many times... so many times... And I fell in love with you
So many times, I'm watchin' you And I fell in love with you (x4)
Do your heart, feel so lonely think about your sweetest dream close your eyes, and follow me and I'll take you to my destiny
I'm thinking about you, all the time when I keep my love to you, that's the crime so many times I've been watching you and now I fell in love with you!
So many times I'm watching you and now I fell in love with you So many times... so many times... (x7)
So many times, I'm watchin' you And I fell in love with you (x12)
Толкова много пъти
Толкова много пъти...Толкова много пъти... Толкова много пъти...
Излизаш всяка вечер, опитвайки да намериш перфектната любов. Изгубил вярата в себе си, намирайки друг самотник.
Светът е пълен с магия, невиждаш ли? Аз съм твоя ангел-пазител, повярвай в мен.
Толкова много пъти те гледам и започвам да се влюбвам в теб!
Толкова много пъти те гледам и се влюбвам в теб Толкова много пъти...Толкова много пъти...
Толкова много пъти те гледам и започвам да се влюбвам в теб Толкова много пъти...Толкова много пъти... И се влюбвам в теб
Сърцето ти,чувства ли се самотно, когато мислиш за сладките си мечти? Затвори си очите и ме последвай, ще те отведа към твоята съдба.
Мисля си за теб през цялото време, когато задържам любовта ми към теб-това е престъпление. Толкова много пъти те гледам и се влюбвам в теб.
Толкова много пъти те гледам и започвам да се влюбвам в теб Толкова много пъти...Толкова много пъти...(x7)
Толкова много пъти те гледам и се влюбвам в теб...(x12)
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