26 feb 2009, 18:20

Marilyn Manson - The Red Carpet Grave(превод) 

  Тraducciones » De inglés
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The Red Carpet Grave


They call her

bulldozer speech demon

without distractions of hope,

she makes the depression business

look surprisingly novel.

And she's not just royal,

allegedly loyal

Not unfaithful but she has no faith in me.

Inhale the damage smoothly

paradise isn't lost,

it was hiding all along.

There's the ones that you love,

the ones that love you,

the ones that make you come.

The ones that make you come unglued.

I can't turn my back on you

when you are walking away.

Bottomless celebrity scar

staged circuses for schoolgirls,

us boys are all dressed up like a

mediocre suicide omen.

Here comes the red carpet grave

again and again and again,

oh man.

There's the ones that you love,

the ones that love you,

the ones that make you come.

The ones that make you come unglued.

I can't turn my back on you,

when you are walking away.

I can't turn my back on you,

when you are walking away.

Can't turn my back on you,

when you are walking away,

when you are walking away.

There's the ones that you love,

the ones that love you,

the ones that make you come.

The ones that make you come unglued.

There's the ones that you love,

the ones that love you,

the ones that make you come.

The ones that make you come unglued.

It's easy to beat the system,

had a hard time beating the symptoms...

had a hard time beating the symptoms...

I can't turn my back on you,

can't turn my back on you,

I can't turn my back on you,

when you are walking away.

Here comes the red carpet grave

again and again and again.

Here comes the red carpet grave

again and again and again,

oh man.


Гробът на червения килим

Наричат я,

Демона, с реч като булдозер.

Без разсейки на надежда

тя прави бизнеса с депресията,

да изглежда учудващо оригинален

и не е просто величествена,

тя си е царска особа.

Не е невярна, но няма вяра в мен.

Вдишва вредите плавно,

раят не е изгубен,

криел се е през цялото време.

Там са тези, които обичаш,

тези, които те обичат,

тези, заради които идваш.

Тези, за които се тревожиш.

Не мога да ви обърна гръб,

когато вие си отивате,

бездънен белег на знаменитостта.

Изсценирани циркове за ученичките,

ние момчетата сме преоблечени като

посредствена поличба за самоубийство.

Ето го, идва гробът на червения килим,

отново и отново, и отново...

О, човече.

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