22 dic 2007, 21:27

paramore-misery business 

  Тraducciones » Canción, De inglés
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Paramore Misery Business Lyrics




I'm in the business of misery,
Let's take it from the top.
She's got a body like an hourglass that's ticking like a clock.
It's a matter of time before we all run out,
When I thought he was mine she caught him by the mouth.




I waited eight long months,
She finally set him free.
I told him I couldn't lie he was the only one for me.
Two weeks and we had caught on fire,
She's got it out for me,
But I wear the biggest smile.




Whoa, I never meant to brag
But, I got him where I want him now.
Whoa, it was never my intention to brag
To steal it all away from you now.
But god does it feel so good,
Cause I got him where I want him now.
And if you could then you know you would.




Cause god it just feels so...
It just feels so good.




Second chances they don't ever matter, people never change.
Once a whore you're nothing more, I'm sorry, that'll never change.
And about forgiveness, we're both supposed to have exchanged.
I'm sorry honey, but I'm passing up, now look this way.
Well there's a million other girls who do it just like you.
Looking as innocent as possible to get to who,
They want and what they like it's easy if you do it right.




Well I refuse, I refuse, I refuse!




Whoa, I never meant to brag
But, I got him where I want him now.
Whoa, it was never my intention to brag
To steal it all away from you now.
But god does it feel so good,
Cause I got him where I want him right now.
And if you could then you know you would.




Cause god it just feels so...
It just feels so good.




I watched his wildest dreams come true
Not one of them involving you
Just watch my wildest dreams come true
Not one of them involving.




Whoa, I never meant to brag, but I got him where I want him now.




Whoa, I never meant to brag
But, I got him where I want him now.
Whoa, it was never my intention to brag
To steal it all away from you now.
But god does it feel so good,
Cause I got him where I want him now.
And if you could then you know you would.




Cause god it just feels so...
It just feels so good.



paramore-тъпа работа





1.Забърках се в тъпа работа,
нека да започна от начало,
тя има тяло излято,
като от порцелан,
което тиктака
като часовник.
Всичко беше ок
преди нашата раздяла
и точно си мислех, че той 
е мой, но тя го залови с устни.





Чаках 8 дълги месеца,
когато тя най-накрая
го освободи.
Казах му, не ви лъжа,
че той е единствен за мен.
Две седмици и пожарът
между нас пламна.
Тя ми го открадна,
но аз носех най-голямата
си усмивка.





Уоа, не искам да се хваля,
но той е мой, когато го пожелая.
Уоа и това никога не е
било повод да се хваля,
не е целта ми,
сега го държа далеч от теб.
Но, Господи, това едва ли е
защото той е мой, когато го пожелая
и ако не, вече го знаеш.





Но, Господи, това едва ли е...
това едва ли е най-важно.





2. За тях вторият шанс
е безсмислен,
те никога не се променят,
ти си една кучка и нищо повече,
съжалявам, но това никога няма
да се промени
и за извиненията, които трябва да си разменим,
съжалявам, мила,
но сега съм аз на ход,
така че, разкарай се!
Е, има толкова много момичета,
които правят като теб,
излеждат толкова невинно,
колкото възможността
да ти отмъкнат някого,
те са и искат
нещата да са лесни
и ако не се подчиниш...
е, аз отказвам, отказвам, отказвам.






Наблюдавам как неговите
най-диви мечти
стават реалност
и в нито една не съществуваш,
наблюдавай как моите най-диви мечти
стават реалност
и в нито една...







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