5 jun 2009, 18:05

The Inmost (Marble Arch) 

  Тraducciones » Canción, De inglés
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You're breaking my defence,  
So dear but so intense
I strive to hold you back,
To prevent your sharp attack
And with every breath you graze my heart
It strikes me back to the start
So I bury my face and begin to see
I can't give you more of me
You know, I did not show, I did not show it cuts in deep
I must rely on absent love, to get through and to feel free
So this may be the price
A soul as cold as ice
Like a spiral move inside,
Is there any more to hide?
And with every breath you graze my heart
It strikes me back to the start
So I bury my face and begin to see
I can't give you more of me
You know, I did not show, I did not show it cuts in deep
I must rely on absent love, to get through and to feel free
With those tears you ask me what I feel
Something honest, something real
But it came to be too close for me
As the innermost is what I fear
You know, I did not show, I did not show it cuts in deep
I must rely on absent love, to get through and to feel free


Разбиваш защитата ми
толкова нежно, но толкова силно.
Боря се да те държа далеч,
да избегна острата атака,
и със всеки дъх ожулваш съцето ми,
връщаш ме в началото.
Заравям лицето си и започвам да виждам -
не мога да ти дам повече от мен.
Знаеш - не показах как боли,
трябва да се крепя на липсваща любов,
за да се живея и вкуся свободата.
Това може е би цената:
душа студен като лед,
душа като спирала,
има ли още нещо да се скрие?
С тези сълзи ме питаш какво чувствам,
нещо честно, нещо истинско,
но се оказа твърде лично -
съкровенността ме плаши.

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