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Не се препоръчва за лица под 18 години, хехехе... :)))
You let me violate you
You let me desecrate you
You let me penetrate you ...
"Just In Love"
I love a girl in a whole another language
People look at us strange
Don't understand us. ...
Taylor Swift - Speak Now
I am not the kind of girl
Who should be rudely barging in
On a white veil occasion
But you are not the kind of boy ...
I'm not that hich is present
I'm not and what I want to be
I can not love you as I would like
I can not change even if I
I can not speak and think as I would like ...
[Chorus: Andrea Martin]
I only fuck wit'chu, on two occasions
When I'm drunk, when I'm high
I would be broke, if I would be wit'chu
That is why it's fo' one night ...
Taylor Swift - Ours
Elevator buttons and morning air
Stranger silence makes me wanna take the stairs
If you were here we'd laugh about their vacant stares
But right now, my time is theirs ...
What's a miracle, if life itself is not?
Who am I to praise his worth with a hymn?
I may stumble over words that I forgot,
Just as life itself will slowly begin.
Sing me a song for the mountains to move, ...
Нявга в късна нощ унило, горест и печал стаила,
над писания без сили клюмах уморено пак –
в този миг на сънна скука в стаята отекна звук и
осъзнах, че някой чука вън пред моя вход сред мрак.
„Някой пътник, няма как – рекох – чука вън сред мрак. ...
When she was just a girl
She expected the world
But it flew away from her reach
So she ran away in her sleep ...
SANCTUS REAL - "I'm Not Alright"
If weakness is a wound that no one wants to speak of
Then cool is just how far we have to fall
And I am not immune, I only wanna be loved
But I feel safe behind the firewall ...
Let's play the blame game, I love you, more
Let's play the blame game for sure.
Let's call her names, names, I hate you, more.
Let's call her names, names, for sure.
I'll call you bitch for short ...
Магнетик Филдс/ Питър Гейбриъл - Дневникът на любовта
Authors: Stephin Raymond Merritt ...
I lived Живях
with a blind man. с един слепец.
It wasn’t easy, you see. Не беше лесно.
Someone Някой ...
Set Fire To The Rain
I let it fall, my heart,
And as it fell, you rose claim it
It was dark and I was over
Until you kissed my lips and you saved me ...
Питър Гейбриъл - В твоите очи
Authors: Peter Gabriel
Автори: Питър Гейбриъл ...
You wrote in hunger and in misery
masterpieces – a fairy mystery!
As the sun in the sky they send their beam,
With brilliance greater than the stars at the sea.
More pure are they than the river Alpine; ...
Да говоря ме е страх
за нещата, през които минахме.
Дори и да ме нарани,
сега е в миналите дни.
Всички карти изиграх. ...
I sit and wait
Does an angel contemplate my fate
And do they know
The places where we go
When we're grey and old ...
Avenged Sevenfold - So Far Away
Never feared for anything
Never shamed but never free
A life that healed a broken heart
With all that it could ...
Nightwish - She Is My Sin
Album: Wishmaster (2000)
Take heed, dear heart
Once apart, she can touch nor me nor you
Dressed as one ...
Подражание на Спенсър
Превод: Красимир Тенев
Напусна своя източен дворец
денят, обходи свода и накладе
на хълма морав пламъчен венец. ...
  1984  18 
Призови себе си
Не е позорно да плачеш с глас,
горчив е привкуса в тълпата.
Лесно е да се каже сбогом, ...
How can I find you
When you're always hiding from yourself
Playing hide and seek with me
Till it gets too dark
Too dark, inside your shell ...
Мишел Федърстоун - И аз съм там
Authors: Michelle Featherstone
Автори: Мишел Федърстоун ...
Михай Траистариу - "Кажи ми – да или не"
Authors: Cristian Hriscu-Badea, Eduard Carcota & Mihai Traistariu
Автор ...
Когато виждам колко съвършенство
съдържа всичко що расте, но миг
е само то... под звездното регентство
на сцената световна всеки лик,
че чезне в нищо, че човек множи се ...
Да, времето създава с нежен труд
прекрасни кадри, чрез които ражда
живот в очите, но – тиранин луд,
то сетне без остатък ги изяжда.
Защото то без отдих дните летни ...
Винаги ще те обичам
Не е същото,
когато я погледна в очите.
Магията я няма.
И когато погледна, ...
Sting & Eric Clapton - It's Probably Me
If the night turned cold and the stars looked down
And you hug yourself on the cold cold ground.
You wake the morning in a stranger's coat,
No one would you see. ...
A Drop In The Ocean
A drop in the ocean,
A change in the weather,
I was praying that you and me might end up together.
It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert, ...
Няма повече шампанско
и фойерверките свършиха.
Eто ни, аз и ти -
тъй изгубени и тъжни сме...
Партито е към края си ...
Сий Улф - Виолетовият час
Authors: Alex Brown Church
Автори: Алекс Браун Чърч ...
I can be tough, I can be strong
But with you, it's not like that at all
There's a girl that gives a shit
Behind this wall, you just walk through it
Мога да бъда жилава, мога да бъда силна, ...
Smiley - Dream girl
I’m sitting alone drinking alcohol
I’m Writing a song about you
I know it’s so sad, maybe even mad
But I know what you’re doing behind my back ...
Понякога рано е, някога-късно,
а някога виждаш-вратата си сбъркал.
Напразно тук чукаш и чакаш да минеш
и влезеш във залива с двата делфина- ...
Good Charlotte
Like It's Her Birthday
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Tonight I kinda get the feeling, ...
Digital Daggers - Where The Lonely Ones Roam
Won't you come out
we could paint the town red
kill a little time
you can sleep when you're dead ...
In The dark
I've written songs in the dark
In the dark, in the dark, in the dark
I've felt inspired in the dark
In the dark, in the dark, in the dark ...
Someone like you
I heard that you're settled down.
That you found a girl and you're married now.
I heard that your dreams came true.
Guess she gave you things I didn't give to you. ...
  18781  10 
Снощи бях на парти, там един ме доближи:
“Нещо лошо става – каза – ще се съгласиш.
Тези хора пет пари не дават за човешките права,
Времена ужасни идват, все по-тъмна е нощта.”
Попитах “Кой си ти да плашиш с гибел неизбежна?” ...
: ??:??