13 271 резултата
The night becomes the dawn
to prove that love goes on.
It's written in the stars and in my heart of hearts
with you is where I still belong.
Through every page we turn ...
The Little Black Submarine
The Black Keys
Little black submarines
Operator please
Put me back on the line ...
Pumped Up Kicks
Robert's got a quick hand.
He'll look around the room, he won't tell you his plan.
He's got a rolled cigarette, hanging out his mouth he's a cowboy kid.
Yeah he found a six shooter gun. ...
Song for the Waiting
There's no straight road
Tonight to take me home
To lay me in my lover's bed
There's no good way ...
I'll Be Waiting
Hold me closer one more time.
Say that you love me in your last goodbye.
Please forgive me for my sins.
Yes, I swam dirty waters, ...
The Mirror - Огледалото
Maybe your grace is blinding
and your eyes can break any heart;
but what the mirror can't show you,
you can never leave behind. ...
Theatre of tragedy - Cassandra
He gave to her, yet tenfold claim'd in return -
She hath no life but the one he for her wrought;
Proffer'd to her his walking heart - she turn'd it down,
Riposted with a tell-tale lore of lies and scorn. ...
> Now and then I think of when we were together
> Like when you said you felt so happy you could die
> I told myself that you were right for me
> But felt so lonely in your company
> But that was love and it's an ache I still remember ...
Винаги ще те обичам
Ако остана
ще бъда само пречка по пътя ти.
Така, че си тръгвам, но зная, че ще
мисля за теб постоянно … ...
I can't believe I had to see
The girl of my dreams cheating on me
The pain you caused has left me dead inside
I'm gonna make sure, you regret that night
I feel you close, I feel you breathe ...
2 a.m., where do I begin?
Crying off my face again
The silent sounds of loneliness
Wants to follow me to bed
I'm a ghost of a girl that I want to be most ...
Dev Feat. The Cataracs - In The Dark
On my waist, through my hair.
Think about it when you touch me there
Close my eyes, here you are all alone dancing in the dark.
Tell me baby if it’s wrong to let my hands do what they want? ...
Day 10: Memories - Ден десети: Спомени
[Best Friend] It's been 10 days
It shouldn't last this long
The doctors' mystified
Nothing's physically wrong... ...
Quemadura Изгаряне
Las ramas Суровите дърва
chirriaban en las llamas, пищяха в огъня.
ahí se retorcían Извиваха се,
como vivas. също като живи. ...
Duboko, dublje, još dublje...
tonem u plavo još plavlje...
letim visoko, jos bih gore
slutim nevinost tek rođene zore... ...
Amasic - Breaking Apart
It started with me,
And you when we used to be,
The friends that no-one could take,
Never thought that we could break apart... ...
"Don't Kiss Me"
Why is it take so long,
Can't wait to have you, dear
Cause your love is so strong
I need you with me here! ...
Нощта на четири луни
и едно единствено дърво
с една единствена тъмнина,
и една единствена птица.
Търся по плътта си ...
Slow, we paddle through the lake
Straight to the very center of the darkest water
Where we can embrace the shadows on the surface
The eyes that look up lifeless from our twins below
And though your arms and legs are under ...
Fireal - Ariel
The leaves are falling down (Ariel)
The leaves are falling down (Ariel)
Starting to see my life
Fall to the ground ...
Trying Not to Love You
You call to me, and I fall at your feet
How could anyone ask for more?
And our time apart, like knives in my heart
How could anyone ask for more? ...
Can we ever get rid of the whats and the ifs
That doubts that exist in our minds
In the silence I am tricked into thinking you’ll forget
And I’ll be stranded like a man in a mine
The day between the soil and the sky ...
Joyce Jonathan - Няма значение
Седя на прозореца и гледам Сена.
Отново виждам как си тръгваш и си спомням...
Тази красива картина идва и ме отнася надалеч.
Приземявам се тук, а тя ме взема под крилете си. ...
La nieve Сняг
El blanco invernal me desagrada Опротивя ми тая белота.
No quiero más blancura, que estoy harto. До гуша ми дойде от снежно бяло.
Está el mundo casi esterilizado Почти стерилен станал е света
debajo de su manta de escarcha. под заскрежено зимно одеало. ...
О, мой застенчивый герой,
ты ловко избежал позора.
Как долго я играла роль,
не опираясь на партнера!
К проклятой помощи твоей ...
Rumour Has It
She, she ain't real.
She ain't gonna be able to love you like I will.
She is a stranger.
You and I have history. ...
Westlife- Cry
You said goodbye
I fell apart
I fell from all we had
To I never knew ...
Не делай из моськи слона ликбез -шутка с долей
Петр Голубков
Из пустяка раздув скандал фундаментальный*,
Жена из Моськи мигом сделала Слона**
И, на вопрос «Кто виноват?» сакраментальный*** – ...
I just kept breathing
hidin' my tears
I waited for you
all the years
And when you're lonely so ...
After Midnight
I can't get my feet up off the edge
I kind of like the little rush you get
When you're standing close to death
Like when you're driving me crazy ...
Hinder - Heartless
I'm feelin sick inside
cause I can't believe it's happening
I thought that he'd be gone by now
We were on a break and you said you needed space to breathe ...
Seems like I always had crushes on chicks I couldn't have
And then I end up fucking with someone I shouldn't have
See, in my mind, it's like I'm perfect for her, I gotta show her
But sadly, in reality, dog, I don't even know her
But still somehow she got my mind infatuated ...
pame kapou gia kafe
8elw na milhsoume
phra thn apofash
kai tou 'pa na xorisoume
koita twra sumptwsh ...
Sous le ciel de Paris,
S'envole une chanson.
Elle est nee d'aujourd'hui
Dans le coeur d'un garcon.
Sous le ciel de Paris, ...
No Mercy- Morena
Mi Morena, mi Morena
Morena, Morena (4x)
Long, long ago
There was a girl like you, ...
What Makes You Beautiful
You're insecure
Don't know what for
You're turning heads when
you walk through the door ...
Nayer Ft. Pitbull & Mohombi - Suavemente
Suavemente, besame
I’m ready to do whatever
If you take me away
Suavemente, besame ...
Home again
Home again
Home again
One day I know
I'll feel home again ...
: ??:??