13 июн. 2021 г., 12:21

...and her name was Death XVIII.IX.2019 

  Поэзия » Любовная
838 1 0

I so much love to put my hand
Gently through your long dark hair -
This used to be my stand,
This even used to be my cause to dare.


Is something so familiar and dear
About your ghostly osculation;
This way I know it - you are near,
And my necessity will have his saturation.


Once, so very long ago 
I saw you through my raving;
You take away my pain and go,
And leave me with my craving.


This used to be my stand,
This even used to be my cause to dare;
I so much love to put my hand
Gently through your long dark hair.

© Peter Wolf Все права защищены

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