24 июн. 2024 г., 09:34

Back in the days 

  Поэзия » Философская, Авторская песня
346 1 3

Произведението не подходит для лиц моложе 18 лет.

It used to be so easy 

riding my bike all day and night

rollercoasters made me dizzy 

every other day a children fight 


It’s not the same these days

cigarettes and alcohol - my favourite things

always in my mind, i can only gaze

watching how my childhood shrinks


I was always hating people like me

what i am now - i never wanted to be

Life is a series of closings doors, isn’t it

substance addiction turning my life into shit



It’s not the same

it’ll never be

all i can do is take the blame

falling when you’re high is the hardest thing to see

© Здравко цинцев Все права защищены

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