27 янв. 2019 г., 16:00

Burned life 

  Поэзия » Авторская песня
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                Burned Life


I see a burned life with faded lights.

World without a sun, without a lighting

moon. Song with no words to say, with

no melody to play. Road without a way,

say what to say.


That's the end, until the end. That's my

goal, to save my soul. I can't hear the 

the voice of my heart. It's broken, tormented

and faded. I cried... but I know I tried....


They say bad words. They destroy their

own worlds. One word can destroy my

world. In the middle of the night, there 

is a little light. In the darkness, I see its



My life is in fire, because you were not liar.

I know I believed I was grieved , I don't

know what I did. They will brake me soon,

but it wouldn't be my doom. I hope you are

not fake...


That's the end, until the end. That's my

goal, to save my soul. I can't hear the

voice of my heart. It's broken, tormented

and faded. I cried... but I know I tried....


Now I know who I am. I know my name.

Will you be here, to brake my fears and

wipe my tears? Where are you now? In

the boiling hell screaming my name...


I see a burned life with faded lights.

World without a sun, without a lighting

moon. Song with no words to say, with

no melody to play. Road without a way,

say what to say...



© Pamela M. Minkovska Все права защищены

Това е една моя песен. Знам, че е на английски. Тези, които не я разбират, може да я преведат с преводач, но на български няма да е напълно същото. Съжалявам. Това е първото ми нещо тук и се надявам да ви хареса.     :) ;) <3

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