Be true to yourself and follow your heart!!!
Избранные произведения
26 результатов
Fairytale Gone Bad
This is the end you know
Lady, the plans we had went all wrong
We ain’t nothing but fight and shout and tears
We got to a point I can’t stand ...
  25693  26 
Evanescence ft Paul Mccoy - Bring me to life
how can you see into my eyes like open doors
leading you down into my core
where I’ve become so numb without a soul my spirit sleeping somewhere cold
until you find it there and lead it back home ...
  25650  16 
Hilary Duff - Someone's watching over me Хилари Дъф - Някой бди над мен
Found my self today Днес открих себе си
Oh, I found myself and ran away Открих себе си и избягах,
Something pulled me back Но нещо ме теглеше назад -
The voice of reason I forgot, I had Гласът на разума, за който бях забравила ...
  9514  15 
"Perfect World" "Перфeктен свят"
I never could’ve seen this far Никога не можах да съзра това в далечината
I never could’ve seen this coming Никога не можах да видя, че идва
Seems like my world’s falling apart разрухата на моя живот
Yeah ...
: ??:??