4 el resultado
George Byron - We'll go no more a-roving
SO, we'll go no more a-roving
So late into the night,
Though the heart be still as loving,
And the moon be still as bright. ...
Mick Jagger - Angel in my heart
Play upon your heart strings to me
I will sing a strange melody
Dance with me a magic ballet
Stay with me til night turns to day ...
Alice Cooper - Hell is living without you
I can't find your face in a thousand masqueraders
You're hidden in the colors of a million other lost charaders
In life's big parade
I'm the lonliest spectator ...
Odem - Schlaflos
Sturmende Gedanken verjagen meinen Schlaf,
wieder nur ein Augenblick, in dem ich meinen Schmerz verga?,
doch die Angste lassen mich nicht los,
bringen wieder Finsternis, ...
: ??:??