Simple things done thoughtfully Spreading words of love My whole world lights up when you hold my hand and smile And smiling back is all I can do And it's a fact a smile costs nothing if it's true But it has a magical power of multiplying all around Simple things done thoughtfully Spreading words of love My whole world lights up when you come and sit here by my side And looking up is all I can do To find your eyes so hopeful and true Cause they have the magical power of drying off my tears and lifting me up
And you are all you can be with me I am all I can be with you My hands, they are only small, but big enough To hold out my heart, my whole heart
Simple things done thoughtfully Spreading words of love My whole world lights up when you hold my hand and Smile :)
Струва ми се, че при този чист, чист фон с този ясен, ясен глас трябва да пееш перфектно без да излизаш от верния тон. Поне това мога да кажа. Справяш се добре, Вяра.
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