Само за проба. Едно демо от преди пет години с ужасно качество. Любимото парче на глухата ми котка.
Текста би трябвало да е нещо подобно:
You know, all my friends just spread out
Everybody gets his own way up
Jimmy get a married
Bob get down to the yard
Billy get a business
Selling stolen cars
I become a worker on a construction site
Working all day long
Playing guitar all night
Sometimes it's cool, sometimes it's hard
Everything's alright if you listen to your heart
Saturdays I spent working on my car
Sunday I have her ride on a parade
Everybody waving hand, like I am a superstar
Living in a smalldream town
Sometimes I feel. I'm not a lucky one
Living in a way my dreams fade out
Tell me, baby, do you feel the same
Or there is something wrong with me these days
I live the same life as my father
I am born to work
As predicted my mother
That's the life they say to me
The one I took from the lottery
Here, there and everywhere
Life is hard that's what they said
But I don't know what I am looking for
Living in my smalldream town
Everything is fine. Night after night
I have a touch I see the same movie all the time
Tell me, baby, do you feel the same
Or there is something wrong with me these days
Living in a smalldream town
Informar de una irregularidad
Por favor, avisenos si cree que alguna obra está plagiada o no cumple con el reglamento.
¡Por favor, escribanos sólo como último recurso con una indicación especifica de la irregularidad y si dispone de pruebas!
¡Para poder enviar mensajes es necesario acceder a su cuenta!
Вярно,,, Ако котката не беше глуха и ако можеше да говори, бая псувни щеше да отнесеш за тази досада! (Гаргаря се - всъщност ми харесва, само дето съм глухоням по отношение на английския и хич не го вдявам).
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