7 490 резултата
Duboko, dublje, još dublje...
tonem u plavo još plavlje...
letim visoko, jos bih gore
slutim nevinost tek rođene zore... ...
"Don't Kiss Me"
Why is it take so long,
Can't wait to have you, dear
Cause your love is so strong
I need you with me here! ...
Slow, we paddle through the lake
Straight to the very center of the darkest water
Where we can embrace the shadows on the surface
The eyes that look up lifeless from our twins below
And though your arms and legs are under ...
Fireal - Ariel
The leaves are falling down (Ariel)
The leaves are falling down (Ariel)
Starting to see my life
Fall to the ground ...
Trying Not to Love You
You call to me, and I fall at your feet
How could anyone ask for more?
And our time apart, like knives in my heart
How could anyone ask for more? ...
Can we ever get rid of the whats and the ifs
That doubts that exist in our minds
In the silence I am tricked into thinking you’ll forget
And I’ll be stranded like a man in a mine
The day between the soil and the sky ...
Joyce Jonathan - Няма значение
Седя на прозореца и гледам Сена.
Отново виждам как си тръгваш и си спомням...
Тази красива картина идва и ме отнася надалеч.
Приземявам се тук, а тя ме взема под крилете си. ...
Rumour Has It
She, she ain't real.
She ain't gonna be able to love you like I will.
She is a stranger.
You and I have history. ...
Westlife- Cry
You said goodbye
I fell apart
I fell from all we had
To I never knew ...
I just kept breathing
hidin' my tears
I waited for you
all the years
And when you're lonely so ...
After Midnight
I can't get my feet up off the edge
I kind of like the little rush you get
When you're standing close to death
Like when you're driving me crazy ...
Hinder - Heartless
I'm feelin sick inside
cause I can't believe it's happening
I thought that he'd be gone by now
We were on a break and you said you needed space to breathe ...
Seems like I always had crushes on chicks I couldn't have
And then I end up fucking with someone I shouldn't have
See, in my mind, it's like I'm perfect for her, I gotta show her
But sadly, in reality, dog, I don't even know her
But still somehow she got my mind infatuated ...
Sous le ciel de Paris,
S'envole une chanson.
Elle est nee d'aujourd'hui
Dans le coeur d'un garcon.
Sous le ciel de Paris, ...
No Mercy- Morena
Mi Morena, mi Morena
Morena, Morena (4x)
Long, long ago
There was a girl like you, ...
What Makes You Beautiful
You're insecure
Don't know what for
You're turning heads when
you walk through the door ...
Nayer Ft. Pitbull & Mohombi - Suavemente
Suavemente, besame
I’m ready to do whatever
If you take me away
Suavemente, besame ...
Home again
Home again
Home again
One day I know
I'll feel home again ...
Christina Aguilera - Hurt
Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face
You told me how proud you were but I walked away
If only I knew what I know today
I would hold you in my arms ...
(feat. )
God and his priests and his kings
all were waiting
all will wait ...
Written by: Ryan O'Neal (Sleeping At Last)
Breaking down soundtrack
I’ve waited a hundred years.
but I’d wait a million more for you. ...
Ана Виси - Склонност към самоубийство
Ако се родя още веднъж,
пак ще се влюбя в теб!
И ако се родя още веднъж,
пак бих умряла за теб! ...
I should never think
What`s in your heart
What`s in our home
So I won`t
You`ll learn to hate me ...
Лучо Батисти - Ще живея (Без теб)
(Autori: Lucio Battisti & Giulio Rapetti Mogol)
(Автори: Лучо Батисти & Джулио Рапети Могол)
Io vivrò (senza te)
Che non si muore per amore ...
Well, I like this world
Well, I like this world
Well, I like this world
I like it how it was
I pray how it was ...
Андреа Фебо - Ще бъде прекрасно
Il tempo che passa
mi fa ricordare le cose,
che abbiamo sbagliato e capito. ...
The Other Side
Truth of the matter is I'm complicated
You're as straight as they come
You go 'bout your day, baby
While I had from the sun ...
Skin - Нищо, освен
Моля те, повярвай ми.
Радвам се за теб.
Защо трябва да се преструвам?
Нямам какво да губя. ...
When You Really Love Someone
Alicia Keys
I'm a woman, lord knows it's hard
I need a real man to give me what I need
Sweet attention, love and tenderness ...
Откажи се от играта,
преди някой друг
да ти погуби душата
и да покрие със срам
лицето твое; ...
The Fray - Where The Stroy Ends
Trying not to lose my head but I have never been this scared before
Tell you what I’ll do instead, lay my body down on the floor
To forget what I’ve done, silhouette til the good lord come
All we know is distance ...
Mumford & Sons - Празна бяла страница
Can you lie next to her
And give her your heart, your heart
As well as your body
And can you lie next to her ...
Not the torturer will scare me
Nor the body's final fall
Nor the barrels of death's rifles
Nor the shadows on the wall
Nor the night when to the ground ...
Have you heard
It was on the news
Your child can read you like a bedtime story
Like a Magazine
Like a has-been out to grass ...
The Crow, The Owl And The Dove
A crow flew to me
Kept its distance
Such a proud creation
I saw its soul, envied its pride ...
Birdy - People Help The People
God knows what is hiding in that weak and drunken hearts
I guess you kissed the girls and made them cry
those Hardfaced Queens of misadventure
God knows what is hiding in those weak and sunken eyes ...
Красавице, вървиш надолу по улицата.
Красавице, сякаш молбите ми дочула си.
Не ти вярвам, ти не си истинска.
Даже розата не е така разлистена. ...
Не бягай когато ти говоря.
Всичко туй ще сторя...
Има някои неща, през които преминавам.
И аз, колкото теб, нося вината. ...
Франко Батиато - Отивайки да спя
(Autori: Hermann Hesse & Richard Strauss)
(Автори: Хераман Хесе & Рихард Щраус)
(Превод на италиански превод)
Andando a dormire ...
: ??:??