18 окт. 2009 г., 14:58

Sonseed - Jesus is a friend of mine 

  Переводы » Песня, с английского
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Sonseed - Jesus is a friend of mine

Jesus is a friend of mine.
Jesus is my friend.
Jesus is a friend of mine.
I have a friend in Jesus.
Jesus is a friend of mine.
Jesus is my friend.
Jesus is a friend of mine.

He taught me how to live, my life as it should be.
He taught me how to turn my cheek when people laugh at me.
I've had friends before, and I can tell you that, He's one who will never leave you flat.

Jesus is a friend of mine.
Jesus is my friend.
Jesus is a friend of mine.
I have a friend in Jesus.
Jesus is a friend of mine.
Jesus is my friend.
Jesus is a friend of mine.

He taught me how to pray, and how to save my soul.
He taught me how to praise my God and still play rock and roll.
The music may sound different but the message is the same.
It's just the instruments who praise His name.

Jesus is a friend of mine.
Jesus is my friend.
Jesus is a friend of mine.
I have a friend in Jesus.
Jesus is a friend of mine.
Jesus is a friend of mine.
Jesus is a friend of mine.

Funky guitar riff

Jesus is a friend of mine.
Jesus is a friend of mine.

Once I tried to run, I tried to run and hide.
But Jesus came and found me and He touched me down inside.
He is like mountie, He always gets His man, and He'll zap you any way he can.

Jesus is a friend of mine.
Jesus is my friend.
Jesus is a friend of mine.
I have a friend in Jesus.
Jesus is a friend of mine.
Jesus is my friend.
Jesus is a friend of mine.

He loves me when I'm right, He loves me when I'm wrong.
He loves me when I waste my time by writing silly songs.
He loves me when I'm quiet and I have nothing to say.
He'll love me when I'm perfect if I ever get that way.

Jesus is a friend of mine.
Jesus is my friend.
Jesus is a friend of mine.
I have a friend in Jesus.
Jesus is a friend of mine.
Jesus is my friend.
Jesus is a friend of mine.
I have a friend in Jesus.
Jesus is a friend of mine.
Jesus is a friend of mine




Sonseed - Иисус е мой приятел

Иисус е мой приятел. (x3)
Имам приятел в името на Иисус.
Иисус е мой приятел. (x3)

Той ме научи как да живея живота си, както би трябвало да бъде.
Той ме научи как да бъда смирен, когато хората ми се смеят.
Имал съм приятели и преди, но мога да Ви кажа, че ТОЙ е единствения,
който никога няма да те изостави.


Той ме научи как да се моля и как да спася душата си.
Той ме научи как да хваля моя Бог и да свиря  рок-енд-рол.
Музиката може да звучи различно, но посланието е същото.
Това са просто инструменти, които хвалят името Му.


Един път се опитах да избягам, да избягам и да се скрия,
но Иисус дойде и ме намери. Докосна ме отвътре.
Той е като моунти (канадски планински полицай), той винаги получава човека,
защото достига до него по всеки възможен начин.


Той ме обича, когато съм прав, обича ме дори, когато греша.
Той ме обича, дори когато си губя времето, като пиша глупави песни.
Той ме обича, когато съм спокоен и нямам какво да кажа.
Той ще ме обича, дори когато бъда перфектен, ако някога бъда изобщо.



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