22 ago 2013, 22:47

A gentle wind(ow) 

  Poesía » Otra
1529 0 6



but a whimsical and nowhere bound play with the melody of words.



A gentle wind(ow) whispers in despair

That losing you could only be compared

To losing sight of all the joyful streets

Swept in the morning by the marching fleets

Of thousands steps who’d love to meet each other

Like “you” and “me” before we met another

So treacherous and gender-vague pronoun

That trapped us both with tricks of artful clown,

‘Cause nothing’s like before I’ve tasted those lips,

And you’ve surrendered to those luscious courtships

Because of which you’re now about to go

And I’m so stoned I just can’t mumble “no” –


I’m losing you and wind is gentle no more,

My windows will go blind when you step outdoor.

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  • Now this is something else. Keep on the good work.
  • How amazingly written..
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuKDHNPs4V8
  • Wow! You mean you actually WROTE this!? I remember you shared it with me some time ago, but I thought it was by someone else... by a classical author, I thought. Back then you asked me to suggest a Bulgarian translation of it, but you said nothing about who wrote it... You, modest girl... Well, I'm in awe. I will remember this wind(ow) forever. You know what? You are a great poet! A great poet! Rozita...
  • Благодаря, Ели
    Заигравка някаква...
  • Стихотворението ми напомни на "Paris nights" на Джордж Бейкър. Хареса ми тънката ирония!
: ??:??