5 607 резултата
Rome wasn't built in a day*- Хубавите неща стават бавно
(*букв. превод- „Рим не е построен за един ден“)
На нас с теб ни е писано
да ходим свободни, в хармония.
В един прекрасен ден ще отлетим далеч. ...
Джек Лондон
В щата Невада живее една жена, която преди време се случи да лъжа най- безсрамно и последователно в продължение на няколко часа. Нямам намерение да й се извинявам, далеч съм от подобна мисъл. Но искам да й обясня. За жалост не зная нейното име, нито настоящия й адрес. Надявам се да ми пи ...
"Never Wrong"
You're never ever wrong, no you're never wrong (never wrong)
You're never ever wrong, no you're never wrong (never wrong)
You're never ever wrong, no you're never wrong (never wrong)
You're never ever wrong, no you're never wrong (never wrong) ...
scattering silence
with its wings
Zvonko Petrović
извор: ...
All I Ask
I will leave my heart at the door
I won't say a word
They've all been said before, you know
So why don't we just play pretend ...
Не стой на гроба ми и не плачи:
не съм във него и не ми се спи.
Летя сред поривите на безбройни ветрове,
блестя в снежинките на бели снегове
и осветявам най-узрелите жита. ...
Ерос Рамацоти & Шер - С всички сили
Autori: Eros Ramazzotti, Adeglio Cogliati, Cher & Antonio Galbiati
Автори: Ерос Рамацоти, Аделио Коляти, Шер & Ан ...
Yeah, caged bird
Something like a caged bird
Caged bird
Yeah, look
You ain't a man till you stop chasing your friends, my nigga ...
It's getting dark and I'm lost in the woods
I'd find a way out if I knew where to look
If I could, I'd rip this page out of my book
I'm confused and misguided,
And my faith is beside me ...
If, all I could say is if
Promise me you won't regret me like the tattoos on my skin
Let the wrong path come to me
One day I'm hoping that you will remember me
When you fuck them, you'll see my face ...
When we were young
Everybody loves the things you dо
From the way you talk
To the way you move...
Everybody here is watching you ...
All Alone, lost in this abyss
Crawling in the dark
Nothing to wipe my longing clips
And I wonder where you are
Are you far? ...
Gotye - Hearts A Mess
Pick apart
The pieces of your heart
And let me peer inside
Let me in ...
Got the club goin' up, on a Tuesday
Got your girl in the cut and she choosey
Club goin' up, on a Tuesday
Got your girl in the cut and she choosey
Club goin' up, on a Tuesday ...
Amador Rivas- Mandanga style
Ladies and Gentlemen!
Dedicado a todos los vividores folladores y bordenlines.
Amador Rivas, Capitán Salami's in the house.
Ehhhhhhhh pibitas del mundo, ...
Hello, it’s me
I was wondering
If after all these years
You’d like to meet ...
Разочарованието, Афра Бен
"... видя я да поляга тя
и голата ѝ гръд видя,
напираща през робата ефирна,
за палава любов, зефирна. ...
The Cardigans - My Favourite Game
I don't know what you're looking for
you haven't found it baby, that's for sure
You rip me up and spread me all around
in the dust of the deed of time ...
Another Love
I wanna take you somewhere
so you know I care
But it's so cold
and I don't know where ...
Ние сме сираци от свещената земя, сълзите на Йерусалим.
И в мрака се молихме и клехме да се издигнем още веднъж.
Синове сме ние, на пламтящото слънце,
споделяйки вяра си през дулото на оръжие,
ходейки по свята вода, но горим ...
Могъщ съм, но не сам в този мой вътрешен свят.
Защото мрачните хълмове са от мрачни души,
души умрели вече хиляди пъти.
Зад каменни стени развиват своето черно изкуство, от векове
приготвят своите заклинания в котли от черно злато, ...
"Good Girls"
Do do do d-do do do do do do
She's a good girl
She's Daddy's favorite
He's saved for Harvard ...
Увенчани от грешките си
сме изгубени в самота.
Поглед не смеем
в огледалото да вперим.
Короновани царе без душа. ...
Лайфхаус - Да те познавам до съвършенство
Authors: Jason Wade
Автори: Джейсън Уейд ...
First things first; Rest In Peace Uncle Phil, for real
You the only father that I ever knew
I get my bitch pregnant, I'mma be a better you
Prophesies that I made way back in the Ville, fulfilled
Listen even back when we was broke my team ill ...
Art of seduction
Hoes jump like Vince Carter backstage like they a part of production
We talked about her dreams you gotta start off with somethin'
Her momma went to college but yet her father was hustlin'
Found it funny cuz now they daughter is stuck in ...
Pussy my passion, never been a fan of flashing
Probably cause I never could, said if I had it, never would
Then I got my first little taste of paper
And I splurged, I guess it's just the nigga urge
This is The Boondocks ...
Love Me Like You Do
You're the light, you're the night
You're the color of my blood
You're the cure, you're the pain
You're the only thing I wanna touch ...
On My Own
Feeling alone.
Feeling so small.
You left me dying for love.
A scream from inside. ...
I can feel the heat rising, everything is on fire
Today is a painful reminder of why
We can only get brighter
The further you put it behind ya ...
Be here now
Don't let your mind get weary and confused
Your will be still, don't try
Don't let your heart get heavy child
Inside you there's a strength that lies ...
She gave it all, you gave her shit
She coulda done, just anything
Or anyone, cause she's a goddess
You never got this
You put her down, you liked her hopeless ...
I do not think
we were meant to burn the world
the way we did.
They always taught us ...
Still a little bit of your taste in my mouth
Still a little bit of you
laced with my doubt
Still a little hard to say what's going on ...
Златните нарциси
Уилям Уърдсуърд
Облак – самотен скитник бях,
реех над хълми и долини
и изведнъж ги видях – ...
Green Day - Исус от Предградията
Син на гняв и на любов, Исус на тез Предградия.
Част от Библия, неразбирана, карам на диета една.
Содата със р*талин. Никой не умря за мойте грехове.
Зная, но поне, от някои отървах се. ...
Kamelot - Liar liar
Would you pray if said you were dying
Would you be a little stronger
Or fall down on your knees
Would you stay with me ...
I saw a dream in which I kissed you,
When I awoke I felt I missed you.
I saw the sky, 't was blue above me.
And in my heart I knew you love me
1951 ...
KSM - Best Friends Forever
Tears you try so hard to hide
You hold it all inside
Pretend it doesn't matter
Why keep it to yourself ...
Susan Boyle - I Dreamed a Dream
Сюзън Бойл - Мечтаех Мечта
Мечтаех мечта във време отминало,
когато надеждата беше силна и живота ...
: ??:??