22 апр. 2021 г., 07:17

Not your trophy 

  Поэзия » Авторская песня
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Not your trophy 🏆❌




Nobody shoots birds in cages

The high-flying ones with widely spread 

wings are always the favorite target 🎯

Don't run and they won't chase you

Don't be free and they won't enslave you

Nothing irritates like those who demand freedom



Slave's blood is nutritious

But blood in which wilderness 

flows is incomparably sweeter

Make yourself ordinary and stay safe... 


Of course, unless if you are ready to sharpen 

your teeth and bite off the arms that choke you



There is always a reason for abuse

There is no excuse for being a rebel

Who told you that you aren't a property? 

Why do you think the right of dignity is yours? 


A roaring beast is every hunter's dream trophy

The longer the claws are and the bigger 

the horns are, the wider the evil grin is 🦌

Sadistic pleasure is waiting for your 

inner insubordinate child 



Slave's blood is nutritious

But blood in which wilderness 

flows is incomparably sweeter

Make yourself ordinary and stay safe... 


Of course, unless if you are ready to sharpen 

your teeth and bite off the arms that choke you



Nobody shoots birds in cages

The high-flying ones with widely spread 

wings are always the favorite target

Don't run and they won't chase you

Don't be free and they won't enslave you

Nothing irritates like those who demand freedom



Sticks hit better backs that stand upright 

Cuffs immobilize better hands that fight 👊🏻👊🏿

Slaps hurt more often mouths that speak 👄

Open your mind and punishments will come in

Slavery is for free, autonomy is priceless 



Nobody shoots birds in cages

The high-flying ones with widely spread 

wings are always the favorite target 🕊️

Don't run and they won't chase you

Don't be free and they won't enslave you

Nothing irritates like those who demand freedom


Unless if you are ready to sharpen your 

teeth and bite off the arms that choke you




(Текстът е за метъл песен. Не съм сигурна точно какъв вид метъл би се водило, но с много ръмжене, много барабани, див, бесен метъл. 🤪🤘🏻) 

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: ??:??