We know who we are and what we want to say and we don't care who's listening! We don't rebel to sell, it just
suits us well, we're the bright young things!

[God is in the TV!!]
Избранные произведения
7 результатов
Ruin And Misery
In each of your failures
I saw my victory
And each time you fall
A knife tattoos a smile ...
Беше сама... Отново. Отново? Не, не беше същото, различно беше. Вече не я беше страх от това. Най-сетне бе успяла да преодолее страха си.
"Обичам те...", беше й прошепнал в онзи горещ летен ден. Прегърна я и спусна устни по шията й. На нея й прилоша. "Какво?! Защо... Защо разваляш всичко!", умът й к ...
She has the silence deep in her breasts embraced.
She wears a perfume of a truly vicious taste.
She has the wisdom in her empathic eyes.
She knows the truth to all unspoken lies. ...
My blood wants to say 'Hello' to you,
my fears want to get inside of you,
my soul is so afraid to realize
how very little there is left of me.'
('The Perfect Drug'-Nine Inch Nails) ...
Will They Come?
Will they come
And alight the skies anew?
The night is young
And so are you ...
: ??:??