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11 результатов
Bethany Joy Lenz& Tyler Hilton-When The Stars Go Blue
Dancin' where the stars go blue
Dancin' where the evening fell
Dancin' in my wooden shoes
In a wedding gown ...
Burhan G - Sacrifice
What I sacrificed
Being in your life?
I'm walking blind...
One step behind ... ...
Beyonce - Broken-hearted girl
You’re everything I thought you never were
And nothing like I thought you could’ve been
But still you live inside of me
So tell me how is that? ...
I talk to you as to a friend - Говорех ти като на приятел
I hope that's what you've - Надявам се, че искаше да бъдеш
come to be... - точно такава...
It feels as though we've - Изглежда сякаш
made amends - сме се поправили ...
Basshunter - All I ever wanted
All I ever wanted
Was to see you smiling
I know that I love you
Oh baby why don't you see? ...
: ??:??