5 results
"Fade Away"
I'm cold and broken
It's over I didn't want to see it come to this
I wonder if I will ever see your face again
And I know that I will find a way to shed my skin ...
"All The Way For You"
Seems to matter what I do, so I'm saving this for you
Cos it seems to be the last piece there is
And you haven't had a chance yet to taste this
Fragments of a life you shouldn't miss ...
"Give Me A Sign"
Dead star shine
Light up the sky
I'm all out of breath
My walls are closing in ...
Here I lie forever
Sorrow still remains
Will the water pull me down and wash it all away
Come and take me over ...
"Anthem Of The Angels"
White walls surround us
No light will touch your face again
Rain taps the window
As we sleep among the dead ...
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