Welcome to Otkrovenia!
social network for authors and their fans

"Otkrovenia"(bulgarian word for "Revelations") is the largest personal creation platform with author's works in different categories like poetry, prose, translations, photography, music, art and hand crafts.


Publish your own works: Share your revelations, turn your feelings into notes, create a melody from the emotion, put your words in a verse or story. State a position in the form of an article or essay. Draw your mood in a picture or show the beautiful moments in photos.

Be yourself, reveal yourself!
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 115 123

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Рейнбоу - Храмът на владетеля
Ден един, в годината лисича
време е дошло да се напомни:
как юнак от слънцето изгряващо
чува звън от ударите на ...
  1464  14  22 
Текст, музика и изпълнение – Мильо Велчев, аранжимент – Стефан Маринов
  889  11  17 
Come and get me. I’m tired
to pretend I have an endless fire.
My hands and my feet are so cold,
in desperate need to be hold.
Come and get me. I can’t ...
  4036  11  12 
In the clutches of uncertain world,
With tears shedding from your lids,
In ages humans bow to gold,
Sleep well you little kids!
Perhaps you didn't reach the coast, ...
- That little devil! – said Anna’s mum after failed attempt to charm the white cat, that finished with the animal hissing at her.
- Mum! – Anna revolted. – Don’t call her like that.
- Well, I won’t use the name you’ve chosen, Angel is a ridiculous name for a cat.
Anna did not choose this name just l ...
  2347  13 

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