Welcome to Otkrovenia!
social network for authors and their fans

"Otkrovenia"(bulgarian word for "Revelations") is the largest personal creation platform with author's works in different categories like poetry, prose, translations, photography, music, art and hand crafts.


Publish your own works: Share your revelations, turn your feelings into notes, create a melody from the emotion, put your words in a verse or story. State a position in the form of an article or essay. Draw your mood in a picture or show the beautiful moments in photos.

Be yourself, reveal yourself!
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Based upon the greatest hit of Mungo Jerry It's a secret
from 1976
When I met you autumn wind quieted down.
Birds that migrate sang a song, landed down.
World gone mad and became magical. ...
Hello my dear,
you want to know...
Can we pause time,
or just run it slow.
No one is able ...
I am withering because I am closed in the Idea for myself! My heart is unhappy, my soul is in trouble! I am a sad witness to the consequences of my whim!
Обичам блуса, темите
историята ми разказват.
Ако не го почувстваш ти,
не ще го нивга разбереш. ...
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Едно от малкото ми произведения написани като на шега, за ден, някъде из Тихия океан, изпълнен с онези носталгични чувства за дома и всички трепети от мисълта за оставената, но неизгубена и вечно жадувана любов, коята не признава граници и разстояния!
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