Welcome to Otkrovenia!
social network for authors and their fans

"Otkrovenia"(bulgarian word for "Revelations") is the largest personal creation platform with author's works in different categories like poetry, prose, translations, photography, music, art and hand crafts.


Publish your own works: Share your revelations, turn your feelings into notes, create a melody from the emotion, put your words in a verse or story. State a position in the form of an article or essay. Draw your mood in a picture or show the beautiful moments in photos.

Be yourself, reveal yourself!
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 115 389

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Автор на песента съм аз. Музикантите са:
Вяра Иванова-вокал, бас
Родриго Бермехо-барабани
Шосе Фигероа-китара
Сержо Празереш-китара, флейта, пандейро ...
  4469  11 
Автор: Мерсида Садикович – Османбашич, Б. и Х.
Трепти птицата крещалец,
с разперени крила от дълги нишки.
Кънти ждрелото на миналото. ...
Above vast pastures of blue grass the purple sun shone with the overwhelming brightness of a million suns of a more appropriate for a star colour.
The slug blinked a couple of times, its vision blurry and its mind foggy. Many half-formed questions flooded its mind as the slug’s consciousness finally ...
Just imagine a non-statistical girl`s feed
to move rapidly following a drum beat.
She jumps and hops and capers and twirls
and other similar moves or verbs.
Like the best natural driving wheel ...
  324  14 
  6899  13  50 
I fall apart and start to breath in pieces.
The heavy air runs into my veins,
It’s hunting down my thoughts and never ceases
To prove the gap between results and aims.
Our worlds can make us incomplete ...
  785  16 

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