Aug 27, 2012, 3:57 PM

Black Coffee 

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© Вяра Иванова All rights reserved.

Black coffee


They say you read the future

From the bottom of a cup

A snake a rose you shatter hopes

And leave it all to luck


Black coffee will tell you all you need to know

What I missed and what awaits me

Will I live till I grow old



You look into the future

You walk back through the past

if you could know about your own

Would you dare to ask


Black coffee will tell you all you need to know

What I missed and what awaits me

Will I live till I grow old


Oh I know it's all my doing

Is there a way for it to be undone

Tell me all don't spare me nothing

Coffee black and cold

Bitter like my soul



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  • Браво и от мен!
  • Този микс от стилове: фламенко,джаз,реге и това съчетание с хубав глас!Ами, това е страхотен музикален коктейл!Личи си,че си певица от класа!
    Браво, Вяра!🎸🎺🎷!!!
  • Чудесно!!! Едно от най - хубавите неща, които съм чувал тук.
  • Удоволствие е съприкосновението с музиката, която твориш!
  • Чудно е това, браво!
  • Отново много добро!Поздравления!
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