Oct 28, 2020, 8:38 AM

Made of shit 

  Poetry » Civilian
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The work is not suitable for people under 18 years of age.

Since you were born 
You struggle with this fuckin' zoo
Broken, jaded, forlorn
There is no tomorrow for you


All around you - war and destruction
Violence - malevolent bliss
Murders, crimes and corruption
Disgusting and monstrous abyss


Posers and liаrs dictate the rules
Drilling your mind with insanity
Priests, fanatics and religious fools
The festering wound of humanity


Nobody's fighting for love and respect 
Money and power - their only desire
Greedy fuckin' scumbags with no regret
Throwing our planet into the fire


Get the axe, grind'em all
They reduce the earth to a venomous pit
Life is unbearable in this hellhole
Rotten world full of shit
Spill the blood, shut the light
Slay these fuckin' hypocrites 
Let the world burn tonight
Erase this world made of shit

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