May 28, 2009, 10:36 AM

A.J. Mclean - London 

  Translations » Song, from English
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When I wake up in the sunlight
And look into your eyes
And I hold you for a little while
and I see behind your smile
I remember how beautiful I used to think you are
Now the only love that meant something is gone

I should have let you go when I saw that it was over in your eyes
What do I have to do to get rid of you
I'll be better on my own
Now, I miss the sun, but as long as I'm with you
It's just another rainy day in London
It's just another rainy day in London

I still hold on to the memory of how we were meant to be
And I wonder did you ever care
You were never there for me
I thought I was stronger
But then why am I here when there's nothing left to say
Now the only love that meant something is gone...

I should have let you go when I saw that it was over in your eyes
What do I have to do to get rid of you
I'll be better on my own
Now, I miss the sun, but as long as I'm with you
It's just another rainy day in London
It's just another rainy day in London

Instrumental Break

I remember how beautiful I used to think you are...

I should have let you go when I saw that it was over in your eyes
What do I have to do to get rid of you
I'll be better on my own
Now, I miss the sun, but as long as I'm with you
It's just another rainy day in London
It's just another rainy day in London





Когато се събудя от слънчевите лъчи

и погледна в твоите очи.

И те прегърна за мъничко

виждам зад твоята усмивка.

Спомням си за колко хубава те мислих преди.

Сега единствената любов, която означаваше нещо си отива.



Би трябвало да те пусна да си вървиш,

след като видях края в твоите очи.

Какво трябва да направя, за да се отърва от теб.

Ще бъда по- добре сам.

Сега ми липсва слънцето, но докато съм с теб.

Просто е поредният дъждовен ден в Лондон.

Просто е поредният дъждовен ден в Лондон.


Все още пазя спомените, за това как мислихме, че ще бъде.

И се чудя дали изобщо те интересуваше.

Никога не си била до мен.

Мислех си, че съм бил по силен,

но защо тогава съм тук, когато не е останало нищо за казване.

Сега единствената любов, която означаваше нещо си отива.




Спомням си за колко хубава те мислих преди.



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