Aug 1, 2009, 4:38 PM

Babi Minune si Denisa - Aproape de inima ta 

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3 min reading
Aproape de inima ta - Close to your heart
Babi Minune si Denisa
Nu ma asteptam ca de maine am sa raman fara tine si ai sa-mi rupi sufletul
I wasn’t expecting that starting from tomorrow, i’ll remain without you and you’ll tear my soul apart
Daca tie iti e mai bine sa nu mai stau langa tine eu am sa fac cum spui tu
If you’re better without me by your side, i’ll do as you say
N-ai vrut ca sa ti langa tine un suflet ce ti-a vrut bine,ti-a fost aproape mereu
You didn’t want to keep near you, a soul who desired the best for you, who was always close to you
Sunt un strain pentru tine si plange inima in mine,dar voi fi aici mereu cand iti va fi tie mai greu
I am a stranger to you and my heart is crying in me, but i’ll be always here, when you’ll pass through hard times
Voi fi mereu langa tine cand ai nevoie de mine fiindca nimeni nu-ti vrea bine,lumea tu sti ca e rea
I will be always by your side, when you need me, because nobody wants the best for you, you know that people are mean ...

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