Jul 12, 2008, 1:21 PM

Final Fantasy VII [Novel] - On the Way to a Smile - Case of Denzel [Episode 1-3] 

  Translations » Prose, from English
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26 min reading
Final Fantasy VII [Novel] - On the Way to a Smile - Case of Denzel - Episode 1-3
Реална Фантазия 7 – Пътят към усмивката – Случаят на Дензъл - Епизод 1-3
Нанисано от: Казушиге Ноджима
Превод от японски на английски: Xcomp /http://ff7ac.net//
Превод от английски на български: Маринела Георгиева (_menti_)
Episode 1-3
"I don't know how long I passed out for. When I came to, the whole house was in shambles.
Mrs. Ruvi laid there. When I called out to her she opened her eyes a little and told me she was glad that I was all right. Then she asked me to let her hold my hand. I held out my hand to her. Ruvi held onto my hand but I couldn't feel any strength in it at all. She told she couldn't hold her son's hand anymore because it's grown so big. I was glad I was still a kid. She asked what was happening outside. I was a bit worried but I went outside. It was morning. Everywhere around us was also a complete mess just like the inside of her house."
Denzel continued talking with his head hanging ...

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