Nov 4, 2011, 9:27 AM

I can not 

  Translations » Prose, from English
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I'm not  that hich is present
I'm not and  what I want to be
I can not love you as I would like
I can not change even if I
I can not speak and think as I would like
I would like to be different, but I'm not

can only be different


Аз не съм това, което се представям.
Аз не съм и каквато искам да бъда.
Не мога да те обичам, както бих искала.
Не мога да се  променя, дори и да искам.
Не мога да говоря и мисля, както бих искала.
Бих искала  да  бъда друга, но не  съм,
мога само да бъдат различна.

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  • I'm not that hich is present
    I'm not and what I want to be
    I can not love you as I would like
    I can not change even if I
    I can not speak and think as I would like
    I would like to be different, but I'm not
    I can only be different
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