You've been searching the world to find true love Looking in all the wrong places When all the time you've been blind to love It's plain as a nose on your faces
It's here, it's now Open your eyes and see it Right here, right now Open your eyes to love
You've been down on yourself Thinking something's wrong Wonder why love's never found you Don't you know it's been right here all along If only you look around you
It's here, it's now Open your eyes and see it Right here, right now Open your eyes to love
Love has been right by your side So close that you couldn't see If love could speak He will shout to the sky I've always been here I always will be
I'm here, I'm now Open your eyes and see it Right here, right now Open your eyes to love
Open your eyes to love Open your heart to love
LMNT - Отвори си очите (към любовта)
Претърсваше света за истинската любов,
търсеше във всички неподходящи места.
През цялото време, което имаше, беше сляп да обичаш.
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