She breaths in She breaths out She wakes up And lays down She can hardly speak And so she screams
I won't give Cause she does
Nothing I say will wash it away I'm standing in the pour in rain You say it wont happen again Your manic, manic There's a chemical in your brain It's pouring sunshine and rage You can never know what to expect Your manic, manic
She loves you And hates you You break down She feels good
She will bleed of insecurity When will she heal (*whisper yes*) I love her still
Nothing I say will wash it away I'm standing in the pour in rain You say it wont happen again Your manic, manic There's a chemical in your brain It's pouring sunshine and rage You can never know what to expect Your manic, manic
She's got everything you want She's every little thing your not yeah-
Nothing I say will wash it away I'm standing in the pour in rain You say it wont happen again Your manic, manic There's a chemical in your brain It's pouring sunshine and rage You can never know what to expect Your manic, manic
Nothing I say will wash it away I'm standing in the pour in rain You say it wont happen again Your manic, manic There's a chemical in your brain It's pouring sunshine and rage You can never know what to expect Your manic, manic
Plumb - Мания
Тя вдиша. Тя издиша. Тя се събужда и си ляга. Тя може както едва да говори, така и да крещи.
Не искам да се предавам, защото тя го прави.
Нищо, казано от мен, няма да бъде заличено. Стоя под проливния дъжд. Ти казваш, че няма да се случи отново. Твоята мания, мания. В мозъка ти има отрова. Блика слънчева светлина и ярост Никога не знаеш, какво да очакваш, от своята мания, мания.
Тя те обича и те мрази, Ти се съсипваш, тя е доволна.
Тя ще страда от несигурността си, когато бъде излекувана. А аз, все още я обичам.
Тя има всичко, което ти искаш. Тя е всяко малко нещо, което ти не си.
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