May 4, 2005, 4:07 PM

THE END - by Lionel Johnson 

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Lionel Johnson (1867 - 1902)

THE END                                                                                                 КРАЯТ

I gave you more than love: many times more:                     Аз повече от обич ти дарих:
I gave mine honour into your fair keeping.                            честта си дадох в съвестна съхрана.
You lost mine honour: wherefore now restore                      И да възвърна как (честта затри!)
The love I gave ; not dead, but cold and sleeping.                оназ любов: не мъртва - спяща, хладна.
You loveless, I dishonoured, go our ways:                             Вървиш без обич, аз - обезчестен;
Dead is the past: dead must be all my days.                          погина всеки мой отминал ден.

Dead and the shadows tarry not: fulfil                                    Изпълват смърт и сенки, без нега,
Your years with foly and love's imitation.                              летата ти с безумно подражание.
You had mine all: mine only now, to kill                                 Аз цял бях твой; убиваш ти сега
All trembling memories of my adoration.                               вси спомени на мойто обожание.
That done, to lie me down, and die, and dream,                    И стори тъй - да падна в тлен, бленуващ,
What once, I thought you were: what still, you seem.          че си - каквато още ми се струваш.

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