Jan 26, 2008, 9:13 PM

The Horrorist - One Night In New York City 

  Translations » Song, from English
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3 мин reading
Hello, my name is Oliver and I'm going to tell you a story.
It's about a young girl...
She's only fifteen years old and has blonde hair and blue eyes.
She lives with her parents in New Jersey and they love her very much;
And one night she and her friends decided they were going to come to New York City.
"My Parents are away and I'll take their car, they will never know!
We're gonna have a great time!" she said.
And they drove over the George Washington Bridge and drove downtown to the Limelight.
"Wow, look at the line!"
"Don't worry I know the guy at the door, we'll get in."
And they did.
"So many people, look at that guy's shoes... they must be a mile high!" ...

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