77 el resultado
Like anyone would be
I am flattered by your fascination with me
Like any hot-blooded woman
I have simply wanted an object to crave
But you, you're not allowed ...
Blue Stahli – Kill Me Every Time
Take me.
Break me.
Take me.
Break me. ...
Something Right
Never thought that I'd be so inspired
Never thought that I'd find the higher truth
I believed that love was overrated
'Till the moment I found you ...
Няма те
Не разпознавам видяното,
Кой ме гледа?
Не зная...
Бледо отражение на себе си? ...
Everything that you do
makes me believe its you.
All the things that you say
makes me feel this way... ...
Ahhh... Yeah yeah
You’ve got to show me love
Heartbreaks and promises, I’ve had more than my share
I’m tired of giving my love and getting nowhere, nowhere
What I need is somebody who really cares ...
All the Right Moves
You're makin all the right moves
saying all the right words
making my heart attack my brain
I'll never be the same ...
Mariah Carey – The Roof
It wasn't raining yet
But it was definitely a little misty on
That warm november night
And my heart was pounding ...
You say you’re gonna work it out,
Then you say you’re having doubts
Tellin’ me you’ll walk away,
But then you go and stay
You’re callin’ me a day and night, ...
"Show Me love”
This was an accident
Not the kind where sirens sound
Never even noticed
We're suddenly crumbling ...
Never Ever
A few questions that I need to know
how you could ever hurt me so
I need to know what I've done wrong
and how long it's been going on ...
Притвори очи от дима. Малко по малко осъзнаваше в какво се бе превърнала. Все още млада, толкова ранима, толкова страдаща, пробождана от сърцето си, желаеща, копнееща, обичаща, нараняваща повече от всякога, повече от всеки друг – себе си...
Мария усещаще болката, поразила сърцето и още мига на запоз ...
Called you on the phone
Said I'm coming through
Hope you're all alone
'cause I got plans for you
We could stay at home or dance and hand all night ...
Olivia Newton John feat. John Travolta – Summer Nights
Others ...
One That I Want
[John:]I got chills, they're multiplyin', and I'm losin' control
Cause the power you're supplyin', it's electrifyin'
[Olivia:]You better shape up, cause I need a man,
and my heart is set on you ...
It's a new day, new day, and it's evident
You must have been heaven-sent
Sometimes we should be hesitant, but I'm not at all
Just feelin more confident
Just using my common sense ...
Ugly - Грозна
When I was 7
They said I was strange
I noticed that my eyes and hair weren't the same
I asked my parents if I was OK ...
„Добродетелните хора са еднообразни, а порочните – разнообразни” - Аристотел
Няма съвършен човек. Всеки е единствен и уникален, всеки е носител на собствената си индивидуалност, дарен е с шанса да се развива, да се учи, да се поправя, сам да избира в коя посока да поеме. Доброто и злото сочат своите ...
Ледена импрсия
Ставаше късно. По централната улица рядко минаваше някой и бързите му стъпки отекваха в тишината на студената зимна вечер. След него оставаше да се чува само музиката от поредния нощен бар. Два гласа пронизаха тишината със смеха си. Една стъклена врата се отвори и ледения дъх на нощта ...
The way you smile
The way you taste
You know I have an appetite
For sexy things
All you do is look at me ...
You're so good to me Baby Baby
I wanna lock you up in my closet, when no one's around
I wanna put your hand in my pocket, because you're allowed
I wanna drive you into the corner, and kiss you without a sound
I wanna stay this way forever, I'll say it aloud ...
Blero - You Took My Love
You could have been everything to me
Every little thing you ever dreamed
But you walked out of us and played me
I'm (gonna) be a real man about it ...
Aww look at daddy's baby girl
That's daddy baby
Little sleepy head ...
In sleep he sang to me
In dreams he came
That voice which calls to me
And speaks my name ...
Тя. Прекрасна като светлината. Тайнствена като нощта. Движеше съвършеното си тяло в ритъма на музиката. Сатенената и кожа придобиваше изкусителни отблясъци, а извивките на бедрата и докосваха въздуха толкова нежно, че той сякаш трепереше. Навеждаше се и отмяташе призрачните си коси назад. Очите и ня ...
Justin Timberlake & 50 Cent – She Wants It
Something special,
50 Cent (cent),
Justin (tin), ...
  17120  45 
Wake Up Call
I didn't hear what you were saying.
I live on raw emotion baby.
I answer questions never maybe
and I'm not kind if you betray me. ...
  11957  15 
Обичах. Обичам.
Идвах, но къде ли отивах, какво ли си мислех, че правя? Да бъда с теб беше лудост, която сърцето ми пожела. Исках те, защото ми даде нежността, от която се нуждаех, нуждая се и сега, но не мога да те върна. Никога няма да мога. Онзи ден беше единствен в живота ми. Няма да се повтори ...
I, I..... I
I wanna be bad witchu, baby
I, I, I, I
I wanna be bad witchu, baby ...
I'm not the kind of girl to sit out on sidelines,
The kind of girl who doesn't say it straight from her mind.
You're gonna know all that I'm feeling on the inside.
I ain't into games, I don't wanna waste.
Any time and all the energy we could spend, ...
[Verse: 1]
Pull up your pants
(Just Like Em')
Take out the trash
(Just Like Em') ...
  6895  13 
Oooohhhh ya
Love can be a many splendid thing
Has another joy you bring ...
Sawah, wana mashee layalee ///Vagabond, I'm walking all night
Sawah, walla daree bhalee ///Vagabond, not knowing what I'm doing
Sawah, meil for-a ya ghalee ///Vagabond, and the separation, oh my dear
Sawah, eih elee garalee ///Vagabond, what has happened to me?
Weisneen /// And years ...
I fell in love with you watching Casablanca.
Back road the drive in shaw in the flickerin' light.
Pop corns and cokes beneath the stars.
Became champange and caviar.
Makin' love on a long hot summer night. ...
Uh, uh, uh, huh
Yo, yo
Drop your glasses, shake your asses
Face screwed up like you having hot flashes ...
You lookin' just a little too hard at me
Standin' just a little too close to me
You sayin' 'Not quite enough' to me
You sippin' just a little too slow for me
No doubt you're playin' real cool homey ...
I never thought I’d change my
opinion again
But you moved me in a way that I’ve
never known
You moved me in a way that I’ve ...
Turn around, every now and then I get a
little bit lonely and you're never coming around
Turnaround, Every now and then I get a
little bit tired of listening to the sound of my tears
Turnaround, Every now and then I get a ...
  6927  15 
Touch me
You will always be my baby
I'm always thinking of you baby, yeah
Touch me in the morning
And last thing at night ...
King of My Castle
Must be the reason why I'm king of my castle
Must be the reason why I'm freeing my trapped soul
Must be the reason why I'm king of my castle
Must be a reason why I'm making examples of you ...
: ??:??