16 el resultado
Помня хубавите дни,
тъй прекрасни,
изпълнени с мечти.
Приятелската ти усмивка
и погледа във твойте очи ...
Ботева земя
Име свято в нашите сърца,
човек, отдал живота си
за българската свобода. ...
There's a time and place for everything. For everyone
We can push with all our might, but nothin's gonna come
Oh no, nothin's gonna change
An' if I ask you not to try, oh could you let it be? ...
"Your Last Song"
Here I am
Writing my last song for you
Hear the words carefully
And you'll see it's you ...
Имаше едно момче, добро и доверчиво бе неговото малко сърце. Харесваше момиче и за нейното внимание всичко даваше. Опитваше се и не се отказваше, борейки се за нейното сърце. Грозен, но пък поради това ума си ползваше. Стихове прекрасни от сърце й пишеше, а в замяна нейното мълчание получаваше. Казв ...
Do You Remember ?
We never talked about it
But I hear the blame was mine
Id call you up to say Im sorry
But I wouldnt want to waste your time ...
Love Of My Life
Love of my life
You've hurt me
You've broken my heart ...
Угаснали чувства
Аз обичах те много,
когато беше ти до мен,
сърцето лудо ми туптеше,
нямаше миг със тебе, в който ...
Прости ми
Гледам те, когато покрай мен минаваш.
Гадно ми е, че ме подминаваш.
Като едно момче, което не познаваш.
Аз виновен съм за всичко, ...
HIM - Beautiful
Just one look into your eyes
One look and I'm crying
'Cause you're so beautiful
Just one kiss and I'm alive ...
Oh Girl (I Wanna Be With You)
Music : Rudolf Schenker
Do do do do
Do do do do ...
Scorpions - Believe in love
Music :Rudolf Schenker
How does it fell babe
To taste sweet revenge
Do you want me on my knees ...
Jovi - Blaze of glory
I wake up in the morning
And I raise my weary head
I've got an old coat for a pillow
And the earth was last night's bed ...
Motorhead - In anoher time
So, Here we are in the years,
All the past is a dream,
Can't believe that I'm here,
Now, Seems so hard to recall, ...
Savage Garden - Truly Madly Deeply
I'll be your dream
I'll be your wish
I'll be your fantasy.
I'll be your hope ...
Here without you
A hundred days had made me older
since the last time that I've saw your pretty face
A thousand lights had made me colder and I don’t think I can look at this the same
But all the miles had separate ...
: ??:??