23 jun 2012, 11:44

Two Gorgeous Eyes 

  Тraducciones » Poesía, De inglés
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TWO GORGEOUS EYES                                 ДВЕ ПРЕЛЕСТНИ ОЧИ


Two gorgeous eyes                                           Две прелестни очи

Are looking to the world distrustfully        недоверчиво гледат към света

With grief and sorrow…                                  с тъга и горест…


Why they are keeping in                                Защо ли толкоз болка

So much anxiety and pain?                           и безпокойство има  в тях?

Whom they are looking for?                         Кого ли дирят и какъв ли грях

What kind of sin they shyly cover?             свенливо крият?


What the life has spoilt in you                      Какво животът е пречупил в теб

And you neglected suffer,                               и унизена страдаш, 

But storm of fury passions                             а ураган от бурни страсти

Rages in your soul ?                                         в душата ти вилнее ?


Two gorgeous eyes                                            Две прелестни очи

Two ardent pupils                                              две пламенни зеници

Are looking restlessly on me …                     към мен тревожно гледат...


April 2012

By Dimither Ganev                

© Димитър Ганев Todos los derechos reservados

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