7 490 резултата
Sonata Arctica - Draw Me
Blessed with an eye
To see things as they are,
Will you draw me?
Up there on the wall, ...
"Everybody needs a little time away," I heard her say, "from each
"Even lover's need a holiday far away from each other."
Hold me now.
It's hard for me to say I'm sorry. ...
Chris Isaak - Wicked Game (Порочна Игра)
Светът беше в пламъци и никой освен теб не можеше да ме спаси.
Странно е какво желание кара глупавите хора да го направят
Никога не съм мечтал, че ще срещна някой като теб.
И никога не съм мечтал, че ще познавам някой като теб. ...
Incompatible, it don't matter though
'cos someone's bound to hear my cry
Speak out if you do
you're not easy to find
Is it possible Mr. Loveable ...
>> Morena mia
>> Miguel Bose
>> Morena mia
>> Voy a contarte hasta diez ...
If You're Not The One
If youre not the one then why does my soul feel glad today?
If youre not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way?
If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call
If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all ...
I can't sleep at night
Staring at the phone
Knowing you are not alone
She is right there by your side
I'm trying just to hide ...
  13148  19 
Ring my bells
(Piano Intro)
Ring my bell, ring my bells..
Ring my bell, ring my bells..
Ring my bell, ring my bells.. ...
  42512  38 
(Another Song) All Over Again
You've been alone, you've been afraid
I've been a fool
In so many ways
but I would change my life ...
Dream on
Everytime that I look in the mirror
All these lines on my face getting' clearer
The past is gone
It went by like dust to dawn ...
  42119  10 
Антонио Бандерас - Отчаян
Soy un hombre muy honrado,
que me gusta lo mejor,
las mujeres no me faltan ni el dinero ni el amor. Gineteando en mi caballo,
por la sierra yo me voy, ...
  11523  16 
Пепино Галиарди - Една голяма любов
(Autori: Peppino Gagliardi)
(Автори: Пепино Галиарди)
Една голяма любов, голяма колкото света. ...
  17666  10 
The wish
Well I wish that I could be someone else
Sometimes I understand that I'm not supposed to feel like this
I should be happy inside
I'm trying ...
Hey... oooh...
Sheets of empty canvas, untouched sheets of clay
Were laid spread out before me as her body once did.
All five horizons revolved around her soul ...
  12663  12 
Delerium - Innocente Lyrics
You can't see my eyes
You can't see my eyes
They don't see yours
Hear me when I say ...
Spice Girls - Viva Forever Спайс Гърълс - Завинаги
Do you still remember Помниш ли все още
How we used to be Как бяхме свикнали да
Feeling together, believe in whatever бъдем заедно, и да вярваме в каквото и да е
My love has said to me Любовта ми ми каза ...
Chut. Chut, faut pas te réveiller.
Je voulais juste t'embrasser
Te regarder encore une fois
Pour t'emporter avec moi ...
May Angels Lead You In (Hear You Me )
There's no one in town I know
You gave us some place to go.
I never said thank you for that.
I thought I might get one more chance. ...
Night After Night
Heaven sent you to bring the answer
Heaven sent you to cure this cancer
But for a moment unbeatable chance
For a moment the world in my hands ...
Madonna - Frozen
You only see what your eyes want to see
How can life be what you want it to be
You're frozen when your heart's not open
You're so concerned with how much you get ...
New blood joins this earth
And quickly he's subdued
Through constant pain disgrace
The young boy learns their rules
With time the child draws in ...
  33068  20 
The Little Things Give You Away
Water gray through the windows
up the stairs
Chilling rain
Like an ocean ...
Ne-Yo Do You Lyrics
Maybe this decision was a mistake.
You probably don't care what I have to say.
But it's been heavy on my mind for months now.
Guess I'm trying to clear some mental space. ...
>>> /национален химн на Франция/
>>> ...
I Will Not Die
Stay or go –
I can’t stand it anymore
You must know - me or her
You are wavering and that hurts ...
Ерос Рамацоти - Музика
(Autori: Pierangelo Cassano, Adelio Cogliati & Eros Ramazzotti)
(Автори: Пиеранджело Касано, Аделио Коляти & Ерос Рамацоти)
Музиката е - ...
Freak On A Leash
Something takes apart of me.
Something lost and never seen.
Everytime I start to believe,
Something's raped and taken from me... from me. ...
  8817  13 
Timbaland - Apologize
I'm holding on your rope,
Got me ten feet off the ground
I'm hearin what you say but I just can't make a sound ...
  23449  36 
Да плача
Не съм от тези, чиито сърца разбиват.
Не съм от тези, които се разтройват и плачат,
защото никога не разкривам сърцето си.
Никога не ме е боляло да казвам ‘сбогом'. ...
  27056  36 
Slept so long
Walking, waiting
Alone without a care
Hoping, and hating
Things that I can't bear ...
David Draiman
I'm over it.
You see I'm falling in a vast abyss
Clouded by memories of the past ...
  4942  15 
Verse I:
You fell away
What more can I say
The feelings evolved ...
Андреа Бочели & Дулсе Понтеш - Морето и ти
(превод на английски превод)
Оригинален текст (португалски език и неаполитански език)
Autores: Enzo Gragnaniello
Автори: Енцо Граняниело ...
King nothing
Wish I may
Wish I might
Have this wish tonight
Are you satisfied? ...
How You Remind Me
Never made it as a wise man
I couldn't cut it as a poor man stealin'
Tired of livin' like a blind man
I'm sick inside without a sense of feelin ...
  33159  16 
Не е за мен
Мислиш се за умна ?
Е, не си! Вижда се,
че искаш да ме изоставиш
и това ме убива. ...
Ive been waiting for a girl like you
So long
Ive been looking too hard, Ive waiting too long
Sometimes I don't know what I will find
I only know its a matter of time ...
Лара Фабиан/ Лучо Дала - Карузо
(Autori: Lucio Dalla)
(Автори: Лучо Дала)
Тук, където морето блести ...
Wherever You Will Go
So lately, I've been wonderin
Who will be there to take my place
When I'm gone, you'll need love
To light the shadows on your face ...
  18809  14 
Te Lo Agradezco, Pero No
[Alejandro Sanz]
Acércate, que a lo mejor
no te das cuenta que mi amor
no es para siempre ...
: ??:??