Nov 6, 2016, 5:45 PM


  Poetry » Other
1432 0 0

 Like a reflection in the mirror,
which was forgotten and broken.
Like a song, without lyrics,
I'm gazing through the snow.


 And the rimes upon me.
Fall and melt as well.
I watch the sky above me.
And the lake, under my legs.


 I know: the ice is fresh and thick,
but I keep wallk still on it.
Not afraid of that it's melting,
not afraid that I will fall in.


Each step brings me now forward,
away from the fragile heart.
Oh, if I had a wings,
I should to fly away from this...


The moon lightened the sky,
only I was left in shadows.
And after moments, the thick ice -
began to crack and slowly swallowed me.


 I stay and calmly waiting -
it was written by the stars.
No need to scream! No need to pleading:
just me and my own scars.


 Like a forgotten reflection.
And a song, without lyrics,
i'll fade away in the possession.
Of thousand spirits, barely seeing.


 It's late: the water drown me -
i wished to have a wings.
But no one led me and I'm fallin -
on my way to the Abyss.


© F. G. R. All rights reserved.

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