264 results
Split in two, right through the middle,
A smiling reflection - a widow’s riddle.
Her king, her chains, her cruel oppressor,
He walks alive, yet death’s successor.
The circle is closed, the serpent tight, ...
July’s heat is cruel and wild,
a fevered breath, both dark and vile.
The earth yawns wide, the chasm deep,
where hell’s foul winds begin to creep.
The past clings tight upon my back, ...
Once a peasant brought to the king
A tray with sweetest peaches:
He didn't have another thing
To please the monarch's wishes.
The peasant bowed and told he made ...
Long ago there was a powerful king,
He was generous, just and defined.
But there was on the Earth a thing
That was from him declined:
Although he loved his wife a lot, ...
Once a peasant decided to send
His oldest son to bring some wood.
The peasant showed the forest end
And taught his son for his own good
To take an axe and the old cart ...
Its answers are so much in details,
It's capable to do all our tasks.
It makes the best in services and sales,
Imprudent questions it would never ask
It leads statistics of all our searches ...
Once a jester wanted to expose
In front of the almighty king of land
The hidden thoughts of those, who are supposed
With their loyalty to outstand.
The king hid himself from the sights, ...
I wonder if it was you that was afraid
of the light
Or the light in you has completely faded
You chose chaos amongst the fight
And the fields of fire you've created ...
I wish I could remember all the past
And all the lives I lived before,
But allas, my remembrances don't last
Perhaps I need to learn a little more.
I have a feeling there is something hidden. ...
Deep wounds leave scars on our skin
And scars remind us of our past.
There is a certain sense within,
Cause their lessons tend to last.
Scars are expressing our intrepidity ...
You are so clever, punctual, ambitious,
And you are always playing certain role,
But your reaction is malign and vicious
When something is beyond your control.
You use your politeness to bewitch the others ...
Oh my oh my the weed again
Made me paralysed
Like stopped in time
But time goes on
I am stopped ...
What's the truth?, they ask.
Well, I'm not quite sure.
Is that you?, they ask.
No, actually, it's you.
How it is me?, they ask. ...
People were to dogs to rough
And dogs decided that they had enough:
They gathered in a meeting altogether,
They found some ink and piece of leather
And wrote their wishes in a pact ...
True self - trapped in the depths, veiled and unseen,
yet unwillingly, without one's intent.
Lacking the tools to make its way out,
forced to keep it concealed.
Intense and immense, power unmeasured, ...
Winning has never been a source of satisfaction,
It has never made me proud, nor given me validation.
Praising and recognition feel truly suffocating.
I need no name, I need no honor, nor a trace of fame.
I need to be alone, I need to sense the freedom, ...
Cast a fire
For the shadows
That were dancing
under silver moonlight,
Deep within a forest ...
When you're no one you could be anyone,
you could touch the world with eyes,
each pair with a different color.
You could talk to people and not be
perceived ...
Detached from reality,
the body stiffed and unable of motion
seperated the mind from the body
with no control over to hold.
You watch and observe ...
I present the poem with which I am again on first page in allpoetry.com
When the morning sprouts from the night
Like a snowdrop from the brown land
And from the window rays of light ...
I can feel you,
I can feel how you feel,
I can feel your pain,
I want to take it away,
I want to make you forget it, even for a while, ...
I am trying to say something positive.
I am desperate to say something positive.
I’ve been struggling to say something positive.
But I’d better keep quiet instead.
The political systems still failing ...
Jump across the fire.
Celebrate the light.
Moon is rising higher.
Flames are shining bright.
Memorize the moment. ...
the flowers beneath her skin
tore her veins from within
while tenderly caressing her sins;
Until October...
when they finally bloomed.
paint me a nebula
in the dreams where
everything seems so
bright and distant.
gift me with stars ...
One day, time you gave to us
But neither of trust
Has build up in the crust (The Earth crust)
Why can't I put that "must"?
What kills us, poverty creates ...
I feel lost.
It's like I'm
an endless maze. ...
I get back home
And sip a drink
I am not a drunk
I'm just a sad
It still an odor of your perfume ...
Have you seen an angel staying on the street?
I saw her one night
She was dressed to kill
White dress, tanned skin
Maybe she was waiting for me ...
Tell me
Did they fall like dying leaves
Like rose petals
When they saw
Your body melting ...
I cared so much
in the past
I helped them all
but they betrayed me fast.
I changed myself ...
Mabon is finally here
Blessed let it be
I've waited for it
Half a year
Just to see ...
Even the smell
of thousand
foreign flowers
will not
bring back to life ...
To end this miserable life,
This vicious cycle to forsake
You need to have just sharper knife
And will the chains to crash and break.
The hell is here - nothing new - ...
A shade of spirit gray and lorn
Is now beside me, but all's fine;
Inmate inside this mortal form
I watch upon the passing time.
Why has to be this way - ...
I wish I had the strength tonight
To rise my sword against the voice
Which crawls beside the edge of light -
I wish to had for once some choice.
Below my feet I see abyss, ...
A choir of whispers around -
Last requiem for fallen star;
Another cenotaph to haunt
When all the light will fade afar.
I walk in the forest alone, ...
I was told by the sorrow,
For the distress which is going to be -
The hateful light of tomorrow
Brings just nothing to me.
I am cadaver of catoblepas, ...
So dead as me, without sound
The light now vanish never to return;
I feel the everlasting cold around
Inside my interstellar urn.
And again, and again, and again ...
I am the horns in the winds that blow
through Icecrown's haunted halls
Behind every wall
Flying above the Frozen throne
I'm in the snow ...
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