Apr 7, 2016, 10:34 PM

Forever alone 

  Poetry » Other
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All around me died insanely
when they tried to kept me safe
And, so, I now will keep you bravely
know everything, but this was a fate
Whatever ever happens, I know
always will stay...

Forever alone in cold  and hot
Forever alone in summer and winter
Forever alone: unfeeling dreamer
Forever alone: impossible winner

The time spin around me
And it's hard to find a solution
I cannot believe in that who will see
but you must go without my feature

Because the only reason to go out this day
is only to keepin' you safe.
And each my word that I've been said to you
is a way to keep you brave

Whatever ever happens, I know
always will stay...

Forever alone in cold  and hot
Forever alone in summer and winter
Forever alone: unfeeling dreamer
Forever alone: impossible winner

Forever alone in cold  and hot
Forever alone in summer and winter
Forever alone: unfeeling dreamer
Forever alone: impossible winner

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