Oct 21, 2015, 6:52 PM

Greatly Exaggerated 

  Poetry » Other
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Vae victis!
Words inflicted.
Woe to the conquered!
The victor roared.
The crowd cheered
no longer bored;
Babylon has said:
- You are all our sins,
so we shall have your head!
A thumb went up,
then sharply, down
Just look around:
drunken bloodlust
sunk in lavish feast.
- What's so funny;
Did we not slay you, beast?
Another said:
- How could you call him this?
Can't you see, he's just a fiend
not tall and underfed?
- Pathetic catch, indeed!
Why is this amusing?
- Well, since this is by my own choosing,
thought I'd have a laugh or two.
The captive spoke his due.
All are here but when they go
some would need a clue.


(Lots are gone and few are back,
looking for a clue.
No one digs for now, lest black
they turn out, finding truth.)


Taken down for being sloppy;
and of questionable worth;
Cause of death: the autopsy;
and also: of rebirth.

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