Jun 5, 2021, 9:48 PM

Polunoshtnitsa 19.I.2016 

  Poetry » Other
791 0 2

In front of me a little shine
Glow between the trees tonight.
I follow it - a pale trace in narrow line
And running in the dark because this distant light.


A ghostly laugh confluence the brume
And someone touch me with а gently hand;
I hear my name - whispered there in the gloom,
I see a smiled face and hear silent steps in sand.


But then the clouds unveil the moon and her bright,
And I can see all so cristally clear;
I was running alone all the night -
Alone in the wood - dont know was just night, or a year.


I follow it - a pale trace in a narrow line;
I running in the gloom because this distant light...
...In front of me the little shine
Is just a window of  a random stranger in the night.

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