Apr 20, 2015, 9:38 AM  


1333 0 1

Everything begins with an "s",

a story, a secret, a start

Try to be someone else

And you'll forget you're afar


Everything begins with an "s":

a story, a sonnet, a scene...

Everything is bound to a test...

of glory, a sin and pretence


Every story starts with a quest,

a destiny, a prince and a princess

Somebody makes them promises

And in the end... it all ends!


But still... You see a story immortal,

but it's actually written in blood...

The scar of the fallen has fallen

And the star shall die since the birth...



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  • bent under the wind scar?
    Прощавай, може би съм сънен, но не схванах смисъла на този ред.
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