We try to be good,
We try to be strong,
And be optimistic
When change takes too long.
When people are scared
And loosing their hope,
We are counting on passion
To push us over the slope.
Respect for the others,
Understanding and trust
And I still got the feeling
That belief is a Must.
We fight for the virtues,
We fight for our cause
And until we are trying,
The war is not lost.
And in all this fighting
Betrayal still exists,
It strucks like a lightning
That we cannot resist.
It comes from the weakest,
It attacks from behind
And it pulls up emotions
We find hardest to grind.
Then we look in the mirror
And turn to ourselves,
We get through our feelings
And clean up the shelves.
Now everything's clear -
We must find our power
To forgive the deluded
And never feel sour.
And again we can conquer,
And again we can win,
Now that we know that
Strength comes from within!
01 Aug 2017
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