Mar 29, 2017, 10:48 PM

The Dream 

  Poetry » Other
1341 0 0
Are you sleeping?
Wake up! 
I wanna tell you 'bout a dream I had...
When I woke up.
Close your eyes and visualize it.
With your real eyes:
You are the Universe.
With all its stars and suns.
With all its galaxies and systems...
Can you see the colors?
And the darkness?
And the light?
This is what a soul looks like!
... And you are sitting in a garden.
But not a cultivated one.
You are in the middle of where
past and future meet.
... And you ain't alone! 
Countless other souls
in countless other colors 
are sharing with you the garden.
Some are darker, 
some are not.
But all of them are souls.
By communication,
their colors are being changed...
But particles and waves,
energy and matter
in the cylider are equal...
Did you fall asleep again?
Ah... You must be tired then.
But it's okay! I understand.
It's hard to live a walking death...

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