Jul 10, 2021, 11:02 PM

The Long-distance Migration XXIV.I.2019 

  Poetry » Other
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 /to my sorrow/


'' - Come here, sit upon the ground
And hear this'', she says to me;
'' - There's nobody else around -
Just us, and that's the only way to be.''


'' - So for a moment close your eyes
And let the wind blow your sighs into space -
The ashes in your hand, which now turn into lies
Are all, which after all remains.''


'' - I followed you since your very first cry -
Cause the beginning is just another word for the end;
I will be the last one who you see, before you die,
And I will represent your sense in his absence.''


I say to her: '' - There's nobody else around -
And so I hope for you to stay...''
She sits beside me on the ground,
And listen to the farewell I have to say.

© Peter Wolf All rights reserved.

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