Jul 11, 2021, 2:20 PM

The Moon Goddess XIV.III.2019 

  Poetry » Other
950 0 0


Dark circle of grief and despair
I see in the every new hope;
A future nostalgy haunts the air,
And the words lace up the throat like a rope.


The moon is in me deep inside,
Her glare is shine on my way;
And maybe some night with her guide
My spirit will achieve her side - away.


And again I cut off the head of my fear,
And again he another head grows;
Is that struggle lasts second or year -
Just drop of а tear into the sorrow's falls.


A future nostalgy haunts the air,
And the words lace up the throat like a rope...
Dark circle of grief and despair
I see in the every new hope.

© Peter Wolf All rights reserved.

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