Jul 17, 2008, 6:35 PM

Final Fantasy VII [Novel] - On the Way to a Smile - Case of Denzel [Episode 1-4 /end/] 

  Translations » Prose, from English
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17 min reading
Final Fantasy VII [Novel] - On the Way to a Smile - Case of Denzel - Episode 1-4 - end
Реална Фантазия 7 – Пътят към усмивката – Случаят на Дензъл - Епизод 1-4 - end
Нанисано от: Казушиге Ноджима
Превод от японски на английски: Xcomp /http://ff7ac.net//
Превод от английски на български: Маринела Георгиева (_menti_)
Episode 1-4
All the adults were gone now and only around twenty children remained in the Seventh Sector Search Team.
They knew about the new town that was known as Edge and how it was developing very well. They also knew that there was a facility there for orphans. But in the town they built, they didn't need to rely on adults to survive. There was no reason for them to leave. They also thought how bad it would look being treated as orphans who needed protection. But that didn't stop the town from reaching a new level. Large machinery was transported there from different areas and they soon concentrated on manufacturing. The work that could be achieved was much greater than ...

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