A secret special door you were for me,
A secret key I wanted to find out,
Which could unlock the love and set it free,
Despide the chains and locks so tightly bound.
And like a fairy prince alone I stood,
For the giant in the cave I even looked,
To yield your Temple key I knew he could,
But your Temple stood as firmly bound.
No need there was of magic – so I thought,
I turned into a rogue, into a fighter
And with fists and hits the door I fought,
But the door locked itself even tighter.
And when the anger into fear turned,
I took the door and calmly try to rock it,
And then as in a dream I learned,
That you never really even try to lock it.
There was no magic, spell, or neither hexing,
There was no lock, no chains or neighter fence,
The human door was only stadning, waiting,
To be warmed up by the human hands...
© Александър Христов All rights reserved.